Prayer to the Living Spirit

O Great Father, we give this occasion to kneel in praise of Your Messenger, Izgadda.

O Living Spirit, you are the Third Messenger sent to teach all humanity.

O Living Spirit, you are the Divine Descendant sent by the Great Father.

O Living Spirit, you are the Light of Alaha sent to illumine the world.

O Lord, Third Messenger, you are from the Eternal One, grant us eternity.

O Lord, you are the Hope of the World, strengthen our hope.

O Lord, you are the Protector of the World, protect our faith.

O Living Spirit, you are the Messenger, eternally existing.

O Living Spirit, you are the Messenger who lives forever.

O Living Spirit, you are the Divine Light of eternity.

You are the Lord of Divine Origin, this we acknowledge daily.

You are the Holy Lord from Alaha, this we acknowledge daily.

You are the extremely powerful Lord from Alaha, this we acknowledge daily.

Izgadda, Deliverer, this is your name.

Izgadda, Giver of the Holy Book, you are our Lord.

Izgadda, Protector of the Community, praised are you. Ameen.

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