Daily Gospel

The schedule below is for reading a portion of the Holy Gospel of the Blessed Prophet each day. You can obtain a hard copy of the Gospel via Amazon and other sources.

Each day Manichaeans read from the Gospel. You can access commentaries and study notes on the Gospel by clicking here (link coming soon).

There are 95 chapters in the Gospel of Mani (GM) as printed in Greenlee’s presentation. Beginning in the middle of October, we begin reading other Manichaean related texts.

January / February / March / April / May / June
July / August / September / October / November / December

Weekly Observances

The Hearers (Laity) are encouraged to fast on Sundays if they are able.

The Elect are required to fast on this day if health allows it. Monday is also a weekday sabbath for the Elect.

All the Hearers and Elect recite the weekly Khuastuanift (Confession) on this day, during which the Hearers give alms to the Elect (or other special arrangements) for remission of sins.

Friday Night/Saturday
The seventh day Sabbath begins on Friday night and concludes on Saturday night. No unncessary labour or travel is conducted during the Sabbath.

Moon Phases
All moon phases are celebrated according to one’s local calender. This includes New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter and Waning Crescent.

Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumnal Equinox, and Winter Solstice are observed according to locality.

The Crucifixion of Christ is observed on the evening of Passover. Check calendar for the proper date. During this time it is appropriate to recite or sing the Crucifixion Hymn. The full celebration of the Passover is not required of Manichaeans as it is the Jews.

Mid-Shaban (Lailat al Bara’ah)
This is a night celebrated only in Middle Eastern countries and by persons originating from the Middle East although any Manichaean can observe it if they wish. This night is to ask the Alaha for forgiveness and for His blessings, including forgiveness for our unbelieving loved ones and ancestors. It is usually sometime during February or March. An Islamic calendar will need to be used to find the current date.

Night of Power (Laylat-al-Qadr)
Typically only observed by Middle Eastern Muslims who converted to the Manichaean Faith and have integrated the Faith with appropriate Islamic culture. The Manichaean Faith allows for and encourages brothers and sisters to celebrate their heritage as long as it is seems to be appropriate. Thus, brethren in Western countries are accustomed to celebrating Christmas or others in China or Japan may wish to celebrate certain Buddhist holidays.

Various Fixed Dates

Bema Festival – 26 February (also observes death of Prophet Mani)

Birth of Mani – 14 April

Birth of Jesus – 25 December

* Located in the Appendix of Greenlee’s Gospel of the Prophet Mani